Friday 12 July 2013

10m Conditions and WSPR

Conditions on 10m have been very poor for some time and for this stage in the sunspot cycle there should be some improvement. Looking back on my logbook for the similar point in the last cycle I was working DX across the world, but not this time.

I run a WSPR beacon when I am at home to monitor 10m and hopefully catch any good conditions, however the following screen capture from is typical of the distances I have been achieving:

My WSPR system consists of an IC706 MkIIG running 5W on 10m to a small Inverted L wire antenna.
I get the impression that the peak in the current sunspot cycle is not going to be so good.
Regarding recent activity, I have been on JT65 on 20m quite a bit over the last few days giving the MV5LMY call sign some activity.

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