Thursday 23 May 2013

JT65 and will I ever make contact with Hawaii?

One of the data modes I use frequently on HF and have done for about 18 months is JT65. The software I use is the excellent JT65-HF by W6CQZ which is based on the JT65 protocol, the creation of K1JT.

It is amazing the distances that can be worked with low power and a small wire aerial.

It is also good for understanding propagation by using sites such as which displays which stations are receiving your signal.

The following picture is a snapshot of PSKReporter earlier this evening showing where my 20m JT65 signal was being received:

For data modes such as JT65 I use my Kenwood TS2000 feeding into an off centre fed dipole fed by a 4:1 balun and tuned using the internal ATU within the TS2000.

I have worked most US states using JT65 including Alaska which I have not been able to do via any other mode in over 10 years on HF. The key one that is missing is Hawaii. Even when I have seen stations monitoring and reporting on PSKReporter, they have not seen my signal. Hopefully it will be a matter of time and getting propagation right.

So if any radio amateurs from Hawaii read this, I would really appreciate a contact !!

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