Monday 28 October 2013

St Jude's Day Storm

A strong storm over the south of the country overnight and early this morning, which has been given the name of the St Jude's Day Storm.

No serious damage, however I lost my Off Centre dipole wire antenna after a branch from one of the trees in the garden came day.

On checking the garden I found this:

Repairs will have to wait until the weekend.

The strongest gust of wind that my weather system recorded was 37mph which is very low considering gusts of 70 to 80mph were recorded across the south of the country.

The wind speed is measured slightly above the ridge of the roof as shown in the following picture:

However, to the south (left of the above picture) we have a small wood with lots of tall trees. These have a shielding effect so we do not often get the full force of the wind so I always register lower wind speeds

The following picture is a screen copy from my weather system which shows the change in pressure as the storm passed through (top graph):

The lower graph shows the rainfall (red line) which reset at midnight, showing the large amount of rain yesterday evening and this morning. The green line in the lower graph shows temperature. Interesting to note the fall in temperature coincides with the increase in air pressure in the top graph.

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